
суббота, 11 февраля 2017 г.

Exhibition ART dolls in Baku

On the student's holiday with my girlfriend, we went to Baku. Do not ask why? I do not know. But I can definitely say that we really liked. I actually went from professional reasons (I'm an architect). 
See with your own eyes the most beautiful building in the world, built by the talented architect
 Zaha Hadid. about the building itself, I wrote here
As a result, we have spent in this building for three days !!! And now I want to show you pictures from the international exhibition ART dolls, which takes place there at the moment. 
I have visited on many puppet shows. but I will say that this exhibition is something special.

  See for yourself and enjoy: 
general form. all the dolls on display in glass boxes or stands. that creates some inconvenience when photographing (glare and reflections), but we are used to))
At the exhibition a lot of characters from oriental tales     
 Costumes for dolls are works of art.

Characters from the Caucasus
Caucasian wedding
characters from the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland"

 Дон Don Quixote and Dulcinea

 Many variety of characters from the Caucasus

Hodja Nasreddin and old man Hottabych

pirate team led by the famous Captain Silver

 characters from the fairy tale "Three Fat Men"

collectors garnets

 Romeo and Juliet

Vera KHolidnaya And Lady Hague
Goga and Russian Lady
who want to see this show with my own eyes Welcome to Azerbaijan

здесь о других проектах Захи Хадид
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9 комментариев:

  1. Lools like there are a lot of interesting thinks to visit in Baku! The exhibition is magical!

  2. wow! this exhibition is so amazing! thanks so much for sharing!

  3. I always find it a poor achitectural choice when they choose glass boxes but don't use the lighting properly and so you have glares. It is possible to avoid glares, but I suspect most just don't give a crap.
    Otherwise, this must have been quite an interesting exhibition to visit!
